Stacy Ann Froelich Selected as Bureau of Reclamation's 2016 Engineer of the Year
Froelich is recognized for her work for assisting Tribes and non-tribal rural water projects in South Dakota
Media Contact: Peter Soeth, 303-445-3615
For Release: February 26, 2016

Commissioner Estevan López with Stacy Ann Froelich, P.E., Reclamation's Engineer of the Year.
WASHINGTON - Stacy Ann Froelich, P.E., is the Bureau of Reclamation's Engineer of the Year for 2016. Froelich, a civil engineer, is being recognized for her contribution toward overseeing and supporting several rural water contracts including tribal construction and operation and maintenance contracts with the Oglala, Rosebud and Lower Brule Sioux Tribes, plus construction of the non-tribal rural water system, West River/Lyman-Jones.
Froelich, who works at Reclamation's field office in Pierre, South Dakota, is also a top ten finalist for the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Federal Engineer of the Year Award for 2016. She will be honored with her peers at a luncheon ceremony on Friday, February 26, at the National Press Club, in Washington, District of Columbia, as part of National Engineers Week.
"Ensuring that Native American communities have a sustainable water supply is one of the most important things that Reclamation does," Commissioner Estevan López said. "Stacy’s work helps Reclamation fulfill its mission to deliver safe and reliable water supplies to a number of communities across Indian Country."
Froelich conducted research as part of her job supporting the rural water projects. She co-authored a study on the service-life of asbestos-cement pipe used in a significant portion of tribal community water systems to determine eventual distribution pipe replacement. She is also administering a research study into nitrosamine that is a suspected cancer-causing disinfection-by-product of water treatment and will be potentially regulated in the future. Phase II starts soon and will explore treatment options to reduce its formation.
She received a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering in 2002, and a Master of Science in Technology Management in 2010, both with the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. She is a registered professional engineer in South Dakota and is a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers and South Dakota Engineering Society. Froelich was selected as the South Dakota Engineering Society, Central Chapter, Young Engineer of the Year in 2007.
Reclamation would also like to recognize its 2015 Engineer of the Year regional winners:
- Brandon Hilliard, P.E., computer engineer at Hoover Dam, Nevada (Lower Colorado Region)
- Bau Yang Chang, electrical engineer at the Central Valley Operations Office in California (Mid-Pacific Region)
- Gwendolyn Christensen, P.E., technical projects manager at Columbia-Cascades Area Office in Washington (Pacific Northwest Region)
- Jay W. Bytheway, supervisory civil engineer at Upper Colorado Regional Office in Utah (Upper Colorado Region)
Each of the five regions nominate one candidate for consideration as Reclamation's Engineer of the Year. The final selection represents Reclamation's nominee for the National Society of Professional Engineers’ Federal Engineer of the Year Award.
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Reclamation is the largest wholesale water supplier and the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the United States, with operations and facilities in the 17 Western States. Its facilities also provide substantial flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife benefits. Visit our website at and follow us on Twitter @USBR.
Thanks to the Bureau of Reclamation for press release